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3 Proven Online Marketing Strategies for Your Business in 2023



3 Proven Online Marketing Strategies for Your Business in 2023

Online Marketing Strategies

So many people are overthinking their online marketing strategies.

They try to come up with new ideas and reinvent the wheel.

Then there’s you and me.

For over 7.5 years now, I’ve followed particular systems that work, allowing me to build a business 100% from my laptop.

These three systems are:

#1: Growing your email list with a lead magnet
#2: Hosting Online webinars or presentations
#3: Running paid workshops or masterclasses.

So if your goal is online growth this year, then focus on building an entire system rather than just throwing new ideas at the wall and hoping they stick.

So let’s get right into it and start with how to grow your email list with a lead magnet.


Here’s an example of a powerful lead magnet in action. One of my clients has a course that people can access at any point in time.

We initially ran paid social media ads to get people to sign up for her course.

It worked and was generating sales for her.

Still, to decrease the cost per enrollment, we implemented a strategy that focused on attracting her dream audience in a way that provided value.

We focus on providing value on the front end with a lead magnet because it allows her to stand out from her competition and build a relationship with them before we ask them to purchase something.

So what we did was we put together a lead magnet which was a guide on how to implement one aspect of what she teaches within her course.

Then we ran paid social media ads to an opt-in page where they can enter their contact information and download the free guide.

Once we collect their contact information, we put them through a unique email marketing sequence that automatically delivers the lead magnet or that guide.

It positions her as an expert, builds a relationship, answers questions, and then we put her course in front of them and ask them to enrol.

This is where automation comes into play.

All of this runs automatically; this is how she generates her dream client leads.

She gets program enrolments while she sleeps, hangs out with her family, travels the world, or focuses on other aspects of her business.


There are two different ways that you can use online webinars.

Either do live webinars or on-demand, where it’s pre-recorded.

The best part of online webinars is that they are really good for positioning you as an expert and building a more personalized relationship with your prospects.

It’s also a fantastic way to build your email list of even higher-quality leads looking for more answers.

The key with webinars is that you are meeting your dream clients at a certain spot within their journey and helping them solve a big win BEFORE you ask them to take that paying step within your business.

One big tip: live webinars will convert higher on the back end than on-demand webinars.

The reason being is that many people will register for an on-demand version; however, the likelihood that they will go back and watch it is slim.

But when people show up live to your webinar, they are engaged and ready to consume the content and solve their problems.

Listen to this week’s podcast for an exciting example of webinars in action!


Now the last strategy I want to walk you through is similar to the webinar strategy…

… but instead of a free webinar, you do a paid masterclass or workshop.

See Also

entrepreneur rabbit hole

The difference between the free version of a webinar and a paid version is that you will attract people who are even more serious about what you are teaching.

The key is to do a workshop or masterclass on one particular problem your audience has, and it’s a longer and more in-depth class than what you teach in a webinar.

So with this one, you will need a few pieces from a marketing aspect.

First, you’ll need a registration page that discusses the class and collects payment.

This is where you can truly earn money while you sleep.

After they register and make their payment, they will automatically receive emails from joining you live for that masterclass or get access to the workshop if it’s pre-recorded.

On top of that, you could also have emails going out that automatically walk them through the masterclass, build a relationship and position you as an expert.

Another key to running these paid masterclasses is that they can be low-ticket items.

Some of my clients run $7 options, but they can go up to $97.

The goal is to get people to open their wallets and commit to you and your business.

I have all three of these strategies running within my business.

But, I also work with clients who only have one of the strategies working for them within their business.

I always suggest focusing on one strategy at a time, however.

So this year, do yourself a favour and instead of trying to reinvent the wheel…

Focus on building a system that is going to work for you.

Thinking of growing your email list? Grab our unique list of creative lead magnet ideas today.

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