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Generating High-Quality Leads Through Your Podcast



Generating High-Quality Leads Through Your Podcast

Generating High Quality Leads Through Your Podcast

We are wrapping up our series on paid advertising as it relates to podcasting.

This episode will be crucial for everyone, building upon the different pieces we’ve gone through over the last few episodes.

Today, Simona and I discuss generating high-quality leads and downloads through your podcast.

As It Relates to a Podcast

We talk about lead generation a lot, but I want to make the connection for my fellow podcasters out there.

So here’s an example:

My new podcast episode goes live every Thursday (which it does).

Anyone who subscribes to my podcast is notified that this is a new episode, and they can listen to it now.

On my social media, I’m promoting the episode by saying,

“Hey everyone, here are the clips of the new episode. Click on the link in my bio or the link below to listen to that episode.”

I also email my list on Thursday mornings as it goes live.

By having this cycle, you’re allowing your podcast to be in front of your audience in multiple ways to get the most listeners for that episode.

This is where the ACCC formula comes in:

  1. Attract Your Dream Client
  2. Collect Their Contact Info
  3. Connect With Them
  4. Convert Them.

Attract Your Dream Client

There are many ways to attract your dream client, but the podcast should be doing all the heavy lifting in this case.

A podcast is a great way to attract those clients – you can help them with a problem they may have and show how knowledgeable you are about your field or engage their interest in a particular topic.

Collect Their Contact Info

The next step is to grow your email list.

To increase your email list, you need to generate leads. And to do that, you need a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is a freebie you offer in exchange for someone’s contact info.

For example, let’s say I have a guide on the top 10 Lead Magnets you can make.

To get access to the guide, I need your name and your email to email to you.

I’ve just collected your contact information.

I just generated a lead.

On to the next step!

Connect With Them

Why would you connect with your audience?

Think about why you started your podcast in the first place.

You’re connecting with them on a different level than you are on social media.

You’re having that conversation with them, so you’re building that relationship through your podcast, but also you can build that relationship through your email.

The more you build that relationship, the more they get to know who you are. The more they know, like, and trust you, the more they want to listen to your podcast.

See Also

boost profits

But also the more they want to share your podcast, promote it, and get more subscribers.

Convert Them

The last step of the formula is conversion. So this comes down to what is that backend offer for your podcast? What do you them to do?

Do you want them to help you grow your podcast?

Because this is something other than something that you necessarily want to monetize.

Maybe it’s just that you want to put content out there, and you want their help to grow it, or do you want them to join your program?

Do you want them to become a client?

Do you want them to purchase your products?

What is that backend offer?

If you’re doing this for fun, there’s still an offer. The proposal at the end of the day is, “Hey, help me grow my podcast.”

Let’s get it to a million views. Whatever it is for you.

That’s a high level for you!

If you want more in-depth aspects of the ACCC formula, listen in.

Thank you again for tuning into our conversation.

If you loved it and want to let us know, please reach out to us on Instagram and say hello, and you can also leave a rating or review on whatever platform you listen to.

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