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8 Tips for Optimizing Your Sales Page and Maximizing Conversions



8 Tips for Optimizing Your Sales Page and Maximizing Conversions

8 Tips for Optimizing Your Sales Page and Maximizing Conversions

Over the last few weeks, we’ve talked a lot about the structure of a sales page.

Now that you have the structure down let’s look at the eight tips to optimize your sales page and maximize conversions.

This episode is RICH with helpful tips, so check out the full podcast.

Tip #1. Start by Understanding Your Client

First up is understanding who your client is and what motivates them.

You want to make sure you take some time to research their interests, values and, most importantly, their pain points.

This will help you craft a message that speaks directly to them.

The key here is knowing what to say to make them feel seen, heard and motivated to take the step forward.

Tip #2: Make Sure Your Headline Is Catchy and Relevant to Your Audience

So with your headline …

It needs to grab their attention but also connect and speak to a pain point while demonstrating that you know what you’re talking about.

With headlines, you want to speak to the main benefit or outcome they seek.

The key here is to keep it simple but powerful simultaneously.

Typically, people mention a sale or offer on sales pages.

But my favourite is using language that tells them how to go from point A to B.

Such as discovering how to quit your 9-5 job to travel the world.

People love the transformation.

So keep that in mind.

Tip #3: Use Strong Visuals

Think of a video where people can listen to you and hear you explain something just as you would do in person…

Or even picture a complex mindmap or roadmap that helps you clearly explain what you do.

Seeing something or hearing something will go a lot farther than text alone.

Tip #4: Keep the Text Concise and Easy to Read

You want your text to be easily read and consumed.

I like to pretend that I’m speaking to a prospect that knows nothing about my business and offer so that I force myself to break it down in the most straightforward manner possible.

And then I use that text.

Even if you use the voice-to-text option on your phone or computer to type as you talk out loud is a great way to get your information out.

And then remove the fluff. Easy!

Tip #5: Structure Your Page Logically

You want to ensure that your sale page is easy to navigate and that you take them on a journey.

Start the page with the emotional aspects where you connect with them.

Then move into the meat and potatoes, where you focus on the core content.

What do they get, or do you want them to buy all the details?

And then end it with your close and strong call to action.

Tip #6: Include Clear Call-to-Actions Throughout The Page

Now with your call to action

The end of the funnel will always push people to take action.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t put calls to action throughout the page.

You need to tell people exactly what to do and…

You’ll want to hit them exactly when they start thinking, “ooh, I want to do this.”

With your call to action, they don’t always have to be “click here to sign up”…

You can test out language that flows with what you are talking about.

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For example, you could use call-to-actions like “Yes, I’m ready” Or “Yes, Lisa, I’m in!”

Tip #7: Use Buttons That Pop Out

You don’t want your buttons to hide and flow well with the design, even though I know it’s pretty. Your call-to-action buttons need to pop!

So let’s pretend your branding is green and blue, k?

You could use a bright yellow or orange button so they pop out from your branding and encourage more people to click it.

When buttons are used strategically throughout the page, the pop of colour will grab the viewer’s attention and push them in your desired direction.

—such as adding something to their cart, signing up for an email list, or signing up for something.

Whatever it is, in this case, choose conversions over prettiness.

Tip #8: Optimize to Maximize Conversions

Ok, so my last tip for you is probably the most important.’

Instead of continuously re-inventing the wheel,

looking for that next best thing…

You are better off optimizing your converting offer to maximize the conversions.

I’ve given you all these tips today and over the last month with sale pages…

… are things you can continuously tweak and test to see different results.

Once you have your baseline sales page, make one minor tweak at a time…

Test it to see the results.

And then continuously tweak as you go.

Over time, you’ll know exactly what works for your audience and what doesn’t.

Click through for this week’s podcast episode – it contains helpful examples for your sales page.

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