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Defining your Customer Journey



Defining your Customer Journey

customer journey

Let’s talk about defining customer journey.

I’ll be frank with you.

Running a business isn’t just about giving a client value.

It isn’t just about offering competitive prices.

It isn’t just about the aesthetics of your Instagram page.

It’s about everything rolled into one huge ball called the Client Experience.

Why do you think people prefer to go shopping at luxury stores— even if they don’t do most of their shopping in these places.

Can you guess why people would behave this way?

People aren’t just buying what you’re selling.

They are also buying the experience you’re selling.

They are also paying for the experience they have when dealing with you.

Once you start to see your clients’ experience as a marketable value, you’ll start to think differently about delivering a premium experience.

And that’s exactly what I’ll be talking about in this episode; how to optimize your client journey to help you deliver the best client experience for your dream clients.


The first step of the journey is attraction.

So, how do you attract clients?

How do you signal to clients that what you’re offering is worth their money, and more importantly, worth their time?

There are several ways to do this.

I love to do it through lead magnets. If you don’t know what a lead magnet is, here’s the long and short of it.

A lead magnet is a marketing term for a free item or service that is given away to gather contact details.

Now, lead magnets are a particularly useful way to attract clients – especially ideal ones – but they aren’t the only way.

You can also use ads on social media, and you can use your organic social media content to attract clients.

Building A Client Relationship

The next step to defining your client or customer journey is to build a relationship with the client.

You might have noticed that people love to go places where they have a personal relationship with the establishment’s owners.

Let’s face it— if someone knows your favourite hockey team and congratulates you on their win over the weekend when welcoming you to their store…

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Mastering Your Entrepreneurial Mindset

… you’ll probably be a lot more comfortable or happy to spend a few dollars over your budget in that establishment.

This is the same with online businesses and entrepreneurs.

So, how do you cultivate a relationship with prospective clients?

How can you make this relationship so satisfying that your clients would want to support you?

Well, a good starting point is to ask how you can help your clients.

To be honest, no one is going to support you just because you’re a nice person.

Sure, your niceness may be a factor for someone choosing your service or business over another, but it cannot be the primary reason.

You have to offer some value to your prospective clients.

In my years as an entrepreneur, I’ve figured out that people love people who solve problems for them. If you can, you should integrate that into your client journey.

For example, if you sell shoes, you should release timely content on how people can make their shoes look newer for longer or rid their shoes of odours.

Whatever business you run, aspire to provide solutions to problems that your prospective clients may face.

You should also position yourself as an authority by providing up-to-date news, advice, and even arguments with thought leaders in your field.

That way, prospective clients will know that they are dealing with someone who knows what they are doing— and once that happens, they’ll feel a lot more confident coming to you with problems that need solving, which would convert them into paying clients.

Hop on over to this week’s video to complete the client or customer journey – we still need to talk about turning your prospects into clients and onboarding your new clients!

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