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Types of Software your Online Business Needs



Types of Software your Online Business Needs

This week, I will be discussing the different types of software that you’ll want to use in your online business strategy.

So whether that’s online tools or software, you need to run a business 100% online…

Or if it’s the software you need to use to increase productivity and scale your offline business.

You might be thinking, “I don’t have a software company, so why do I need this?”

And that’s a great question.

No matter what kind of business you have, you’re going to need certain types of software to make it work properly.

So sit back, relax and let me walk you through everything you need to know…and consider adding these tools to your business tool bag!

Tool #1: Funnel Builder

The first app you’d need is a funnel builder.

You know exactly what a funnel builder is if you’ve been hanging out with me for a while.

There are a lot of different ways we can use funnels, but the most common way is to grow your email list and then turn the email list into online program sales or booked appointments.

A funnel builder essentially helps you create all the necessary elements for your funnel.

This includes the landing page, connecting to email automation and even webinars.

There are a lot of great funnel builders out there. However, a lot of them are pretty basic.

For me, and what I’ve been using for 7 years, is a program called ClickFunnels. They are the best!

Tool #2: Email Autoresponders

The second software that goes hand and hand with funnels is an email autoresponder.

An email autoresponder is a system that will allow you to send out personalized emails to your entire email list based on a specific action they’ve taken.

For example, going back to lead magnets or that freebie you give away in your funnel. As soon as someone enters their contact information, an email will automatically send to that person and deliver the freebie.

Another awesome thing about email autoresponders is the tracking.

So if you send an email to a prospect, you will know if they open the email and click a specific link.

You can track it to see if they go to your website, if they purchase, and everything you can honestly think of.

Knowing all these metrics will allow you to make even better decisions for your business, as you’ll be able to know what strategies are working and which ones are not.

See Also

Marketing Automation

It’s mind-blowing.

I personally love Active Campaign.

Tool #3: Booking Calendar

The third tool is for busy entrepreneurs like you who need to book your meetings!

You start by uploading your availability to your online calendar. Then, when a prospective client wants to book a meeting, you can send them a link to your calendar, and they can book the meeting directly.

It’s pretty handy if you ask me.

Checkout Calendly for this one!

I’ve done a full episode on this one from a productivity standpoint too! Click here to check that out!

I’m only halfway through all the software tools I recommend for your online business, so check out this week’s video for all the good stuff. Next are social media content schedulers, project management systems, and proposal builders.

Watch below for all the tools!

Oh! And make sure to download the full cheat sheet here that walks you through this entire episode!

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