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How to Organize Your Bookkeeping for a More Productive Year



How to Organize Your Bookkeeping for a More Productive Year

How to Organize Your Bookkeeping for a More Productive Year | Lisa Anne

Looking to get organized in the new year?

Do you want to ensure your bookkeeping is up to date and ready for growth?

Jami Monte is the queen of organization, and she has some tips and tricks to help us entrepreneurs manage our finances, stay organized all year long, and even grow our businesses.

Here’s what Jami has to say about bookkeeping that will make sure your entrepreneurial journey is a productive one!

Contrary to what entrepreneurs may believe about bookkeeping, you don’t have to wait until the end of the year to get organized.

We can do a lot of things throughout the year to set ourselves up for success, and my guest this week, Jami Monte, is a wealth of knowledge in getting entrepreneurs on track.

Jami is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and the founder of Bookkeeping Bootcamp.

She helps self-employed people crush their bookkeeping, maximize profits, and stop stressing about tax season.

She has over 10 years of experience in the finance realm across multiple industries and specializes in working with coaches, consultants and creatives.

If you want to hear all about:

See Also

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  • Accounting Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make with Their Businesses
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  • How Much Should You Put Aside for Taxes?
  • What You Can Write Off as a Business Owner
  • Tips For Managing Cashflow

You’ll want to catch the full episode here:

Here’s everything that’s mentioned in the episode:

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