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8 Ways to Promote your Freebie Online



8 Ways to Promote your Freebie Online

8 Ways to Promote your Freebie Online

Let’s go right back to your lead magnet – that awesome freebie you are going to give away as part of your digital marketing strategy.

In this week’s episode, I want to go over different ways to promote that freebie.

In fact, I’ll cover the top 8 ways to promote it.

When you implement all of these, your email list will be BOOMING.

Let’s get to it!

#1: Pin it to the top of your Facebook page

If you have a Facebook page, pin your lead magnet to the top of your Facebook page.

I know, I know. Facebook is definitely not the latest and greatest social media channel. But one thing it is really great at is communication!

Businesses can do so many things on Facebook that other social media platforms simply can’t.

Even if you aren’t AS active on Facebook – your audience will be.

Your Facebook page is an extremely important aspect of online credibility.

If you don’t have a Facebook page in today’s world – you don’t exist.

So focus on your Facebook page, and pin your lead magnet to the top of your page.

#2: Pin it to Pinterest.

Another one is your Pinterest Page, if you have one.

You can do the same thing as your Facebook page and pin your lead magnet to your profile.

That way, anyone who goes through your account is very likely to click on it.

#3: Add the link to it in your Instagram Bio.

Instagram is another one.

Although it may not have the flexibility to pin something, you can include your lead magnet inside your highlights.

Instagram doesn’t allow you to put links in your captions, but you can place links in your bio or in your stories.

So my best suggestion for Instagram is to:

Post a story with the link to download your lead magnet.
Any time you write a post that you can add a call to action saying “click the link in my bio,” do so – that link in your bio should be to download your lead magnet.

#4: Regularly post about it on social media

This brings me to another point…

When you have a lead magnet, you want to be talking about it a lot!

See Also

business growth

It really comes down to how often you can talk about the same thing with different messaging with anything in marketing.

Post about it and mention that people can get access to your freebie as many times as you possibly can.

Anytime it fits in a story, in a caption, in a reel, post about it.

You want to make sure that every single person who follows you has an opportunity to learn about what you’re offering.

That’s the only way you’ll get people actually to click the link and become a lead.

If you don’t put your effort into posting about it and talking about it, well, no one will know about it.

And your link will simply sit in whatever corner of the web you’ve posted it on forever.

I want you to focus on growing your audience and growing your email list…and focus on promoting your lead magnet.

You’ll see a huge spike in leads for your business when you do that.

If you want to take it up a notch…I have 4 more powerhouse ideas for promoting your freebie online!

You can use paid social media advertising and promote through offline avenues as well.

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