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How To Drive Traffic To Your Webinar Using Paid Ads



How To Drive Traffic To Your Webinar Using Paid Ads

Online webinars lead generation using paid ads

If you’ve been hanging out with me for a while, you know I love running online webinars.

They are fun and great for growing your audience and connecting with your prospects.

Plus, they are a great way to sell your online courses and grow your email list.

A couple of episodes ago, I talked about coming up with the right topic

I’ve given you access to my full webinar framework

And now, I’m ready to take you to the next step:

How to get a lot of people registered for your webinar.

Getting Your Dream Clients

I’m not just talking about your warm audience, either.

I’m talking about your dream clients who may not yet know who you are.

So how do you bring these dream clients to your webinar?

Through paid social media advertising!

You can promote it with your warm audience on your social media accounts, but that will only get you so far.

With paid ads, you expand your reach outside your current circle.

And that’s exactly how you start scaling your business.

There really are three main steps you have to take to run paid ads for your webinar.

1. You need to know your webinar goal
2. Write your ad copy
3. Place your ad in the ads manager.

To help make sure you hit on all aspects, I’ve put together a free checklist of everything you need to do to get ready for your webinar.

Click here to download that now.

I’ve explained a lot more in-depth in my recent episode… but let me explain slightly here too.

Ad Goals

For your ad goal, you’ll need to understand why you are running ads in the first place.

And also what your specific goals are for the ads.

Aka – How many people do you want to register for your webinar?

It honestly turns into a number game when you’ve run ads before and know your stats.

See Also

webinar topic

Write Your Ad Copy

You want ad copy to make you stand out from the crowd and grab your dream client’s attention.

If I could give you some advice…

… It’s to focus on giving value and relating to their pain point- that will make you stand out a bit more.

Run Your Paid Ads

The key is not posting that post on your Facebook and Instagram page and boosting it.

All that will do is put more eyeballs on the post and not guarantee you’ll get people registering.

Instead, we’ll be placing ads on the back end of Facebook.

You’ll want to run something called a conversion ad, which requires you to have your Meta Pixel installed!

Or, you can try lead ads which have the form pop up directly on social media.

Like I said, that’s a quick overview for you.

To learn more, make sure to listen to the full episode.

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