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How to Generate Leads With Webinars



How to Generate Leads With Webinars

How to Generate Leads with Webinars

A big part of my job involves spotting patterns.

And the more I surround myself with entrepreneurs who are trying to grow their business, the more I see a distinct pattern emerge.

They focus so much attention on the front end of social media…

Posting content.

Randomly throwing in hashtags.

Attempting to get views on their reels.

But at the end of the day, after they put in so much effort – their frustration always comes back to one thing, and one thing only.

Lack of leads through social media.

There are a few ways to generate leads online, and I talk about lead magnets a lot of the time.

In today’s episode, I want to get super specific about the type of lead magnet that works incredibly well to help your business grow and flourish.

… and that’s making use of online webinars.

But there are a few things you need to know about running webinars to generate leads online

It’s not just a magical thing that will work every single time.

You need to know what you are doing on the webinar, how to set it up, and even how to start attracting people to sign up for the webinar.

I’m going to break it all down for you today.

Getting Started: The Topic

In my experience, what really makes a good webinar great, is the webinar’s topic.

This also will have a drastic impact on the quality of leads you generate for the webinar.

The key with webinars is that the topic is helping them solve a problem or showing them it’s possible to have that specific transformation they are looking for.

You aren’t showing them the HOW; you are showing them the vision.

With a webinar, you have to remember that people aren’t looking to become an expert and learn everything you know.

They are looking for a solution, for information, for guidance on that problem or transformation.

A lot of people make the mistake of giving away too much information and showing them how…

Which, at the end of the day, makes them no longer need them, and they don’t earn any income from the webinar.

So if you are thinking of doing webinars for your business, my biggest piece of advice is you don’t want to make the mistake of digging so deep into a topic and giving away everything you know.

See Also

organic marketing strategies

It’s like the appetizer to a great meal.

Ways To Host A Webinar

There are a few different programs that you could do your webinars on.

The top ones I see people using are EverWebinar, Demio and Zoom.

EverWebinar is a more advanced program.

It’s great for live webinars, but it’s even better for evergreen webinars which is where people can choose a date and time to join the webinar, BUT it’s not a live webinar.

Those who attend think it’s a live webinar, but it’s really not.

Demio is what I have been using for the last couple of years. I really love its simplicity and the different features it offers for live webinars.

For example, I always use a lot of polls within my webinar to keep my audience engaged and collect data.

I also have different buttons they can click throughout it for downloads or going to checkout pages, and even showing videos and slides.

Zoom is a more basic option, but it’s getting better and better. They just added an option to do polls – it just isn’t quite as professional looking as the other two options, but a good choice because everyone is so familiar with it.

Once you know where you are hosting the webinar, there are a few more steps I’d recommend setting up to help you automate the signup process, encouraging those registrations to show up live and even follow up after the webinar to take that next step with you.

Click through to this week’s video for all the details!

Grab our comprehensive framework to set up a high-converting webinar here.

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