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The Best Times to Post on Social Media



The Best Times to Post on Social Media

Lisa Anne Coaching | Digital Marketing for Entrepreneurs

Hello, my friend! Quick question for you regarding social media:

How important do you think posting at the right time is?

When I ask them this question, most people say that they really don’t care what time they post on social media.

As long as they posted that day, they’re happy because they are consistent.

Which 100% is a good habit to form, but if I’m being honest with you, the time of day does impact your performance.

It has a direct impact on whether or not your post will be seen by your warm audience and, even more importantly, reach even more new people…

… not to mention getting content that goes viral.

Yes, it’s that important.

Every day there are thousands of businesses just like yours fighting for the eyes of your clients.

To get ahead of them and make sure that they see YOU, you have to make sure you’re posting your content when there is the best possible chance for them to see it.

And to do that, you’ve got to have at least a basic understanding of how the ranking algorithm of that particular app works.

Once you understand that, you’ll be able to automate your content to post online at the best possible time for your target audience.

And that’s what we all want, right?

We all want our content to be right in front of our target audience.

And really, at the end of the day, that again comes down to posting during the optimal times for that app. This week, I’m going to focus on Instagram, but these principles can be applied to other social media apps.

So, What is the Optimal Posting Time For Instagram?

Without getting too boring and nerding out on you, I’ve done a lot of research and testing over the last few months…

And as of RIGHT NOW, the best time to post on Instagram is 6 am.

I say right now because, honestly, things online change often.

But it makes sense…

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Don’t be ashamed… we all do it.

We roll over, grab our phones, check social and check out emails.

It’s a bad habit, but I heard a stat that 80% of people check social media within 15 minutes of waking up.

So let’s say they wake up at 630 am or 7 am, and they are scrolling social media simply to wake up.

They are in the prime time to scroll and consume content.

Whereas throughout the day, sure, they may be scrolling, but they are more rushed and distracted.

I know you are doing the same thing – so really, how do you get into the mindset to post about your business at 6 am?

See Also

lead generation

Are you supposed to set an alarm to wake up before the rest of the world just to post?

No, my friend.

That’s where automation comes into play.

That’s exactly why I created my social media automation BootCamp program in the first place.

In that program, I teach you how to automate your social media content so that it posts at optimal times consistently, even when you are sleeping.

And the Times Are…

Here are the best times every day of the week to post on Instagram.

Monday at 5 am

Tuesday at 6 am

Wednesday at 6 am

Thursday at 5 am

Friday at 6 am

Saturday at 6 am

And Sunday at 6 am.

We’ve got lots more to talk about, including what times are the WORST to post on Instagram and how to discover your unique optimal posting time. Check out this week’s episode for all the good stuff. See you there!

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