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4 Simple Tips For Creating An Opt-In Page That Converts Like Crazy



4 Simple Tips For Creating An Opt-In Page That Converts Like Crazy

4 Simple Tips For Creating An Opt-In Page That Converts Like Crazy

Let’s talk about creating an opt-in page!

If you aren’t aware of what an opt-in page is, let me explain: it’s what you use to collect potential clients’ contact information, in exchange for a freebie of your creation.

Aka it’s the page people land on to download your free lead magnet.

It’s the first step within a funnel after you connect with them on social media.

And if they are going to convert, they have to be good. So let’s get into what your opt-in page needs to succeed.

Essential #1: Short And Simple

A big mistake a lot of people make when they create an opt-in page is having WAY too much information.

It should be the complete opposite.

Especially when it’s for a free lead magnet.

You aren’t trying to convince people to buy from you, that’s what a sales page is.

Your opt-in page has only one goal.

To get people to put their information into the boxes and click the button to submit.

And you don’t even need to sell to them to do that.

All you’re doing is encouraging them. That’s it.

All the selling should have been done on your ad or the content you put out.

Once anyone lands on your landing page, they are probably already 70% interested in your offer.

So, how do you create an opt-in page that closes the deal?

The answer is simple.

Make whatever copy (text) you’re putting out short and simple.

This means no paparazzi, no complicated sentences, no long stories about the origins of your business, and no fantastic promises.

It’s just simple and compelling copy that passes on two main ideas; the first is that opting in and giving you their email address is an excellent idea that they should try right now.

And second, it’s going to help them solve their problem.

If you can do that, you’ll boost the conversion rates.


Essential #2: Use A Clear And Concise Headline

Your headline should also be short and simple.

Tell them what to do and that’s it

This is the very first thing someone sees.

If you don’t have a good headline, you’ll lose people right off the bat.

Your headline must be precise — that means no funny puns, no double meanings, nothing.

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You don’t need to grab people’s attention at this point which is usually where those funny puns come into play.

You’ve already got their attention, now tell them what they are getting next.

You can even test making your call to action in the headline.

Here’s what we used for one of our clients:

“Click the button below to download your free guide on discovering healthy habits in 3 steps.”

Worked like a charm.


Essential #3: Stay Above the Fold

This one may sound strange, but people are lazy.

They need to see exactly what they are getting themselves into, and what their next steps are, without having to scroll whatsoever on a website or on their phone.

So when designing an opt-in page make sure all of your content with your call to action and headline is above the fold.

I have 1 more essential of opt-in pages to tell you about, and the next one is REALLY big.

Head on over to the video so I can break it down for you.

If you want to understand how you can leverage other marketing strategies like email marketing to take your brand to the next level, I would love to share my comprehensive email marketing guide. It contains proven and tested strategies I’ve used to supercharge brands of my clientele.

To access it, click here.

See you next week, where we will deep dive into more strategies to optimize your business growth!

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