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Influencers – What they Are & How to Hire



Influencers – What they Are & How to Hire

Are you having trouble finding and hiring influencers?

I hear you friends the process ain’t so easy! So lucky for you I’ve broken it all down in my latest video.

Ready to get started? Keep reading…

What is an Influencer?

Social media influencers are individuals who have a dedicated social following. They’ve built a reputation based on their trusted expertise in a niche. These people would usually post, share and speak about the topic they focus on.

Influencer Marketing means using endorsement and product or service mentions from a certain influencer with the hope of reaching the desired audience for your business.

Some stats you should know…

See Also

Work-Life Balance

According to the Digital Marketing Institute, 40% of consumers have already made a purchase based on recommendations on social media. In addition, according to Mediakix, Business Insider estimates that brands will have spent up to $15 billion on Influencer Marketing by 2022.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years being an entrepreneur it’s that sometimes the stats just speak for themselves.

So hop on over and watch my video and get ready to say…hello to 2021!

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