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Online Organic Marketing Vs Paid Marketing



Online Organic Marketing Vs Paid Marketing

Online Organic Marketing Vs Paid Marketing | Lisa Anne Coaching

Are you a newbie entrepreneur? Are you starting out with free marketing because you haven’t considered a marketing budget?

If that’s you, let me just say, you have to spend money to make money!

Especially since the return on investment and all the data you need to know to decide how much you need to spend to make X dollars is right in front of you with online marketing.

That’s why I love the digital world. It tells you exactly what is and what isn’t working.

Now on the flip side, you might be an entrepreneur like me:

You focus on the paid side right off the bat because you either know the benefits or are already successful and have the budget when you jump into the online world.

…you tend to forget about the organic marketing side (aka the free side). You think you just don’t need it!

I was like this for the first few years of my business. I drove a lot of traffic through paid advertising and got great results that I didn’t look outward for other options.

Why fix something that ain’t broke, right?

Butttt… I was wrong.

In fact, both sides of the puzzle aren’t correct if you use one over the other and expect to hit certain levels within your business through online marketing.

In my opinion, both paid and organic marketing have a place and time to use them.

At the end of the day, though, it really depends on your goals for your business at the time.

Let me explain these two more in-depth.

Let’s start with organic marketing; then, I’ll compare it with paid marketing.

Organic Marketing

Ok, so Organic marketing is a slow and steady approach to marketing.

It’s basically where your consistent content comes into play.

Being active on social media, engaging with other accounts, using hashtags, and jumping on trends such as reels.

It also focuses on blogs, SEO, and the content that will live in the online world for as long as you can imagine or until you delete it.

You won’t see a drastic impact on your business right away, but it’s an important piece to focus on.

Let me give you a few examples…

The Social Media Post

The first one is something most of us do. It’s the generic social media post.

All the posts you put out on social media are examples of organic marketing. It’s as simple as that.

Sometimes, you may not even be advertising any product.

It could even be as simple as a post about your morning routine.

But as long as it’s on your business account, it’s an ad for something.

It could be an ad for your product, business, or brand.

The Blog Post

The second example is a blog post.

This one is very tricky and only works well if you’re a great writer and understand SEO best practices.

These blog posts would usually be about your business and your audience’s topic.

For example, with every YouTube and podcast episode I do, a blog post goes with it (like you are reading now).

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User-Generated Content

There’s also user-generated content, which is an efficient aspect of content marketing.

User-generated content, in this context, means content that users made about your products or service.

For example, let’s say you are a life coach.

You could ask your client to post about their experience working with you and their transformation.

These types of content really make things stand out because it’s coming from a different voice than yours.

People may not always believe what you’re saying because you’re biased towards your own business.

Others talking for you is incredible.

Email Marketing

And lastly, we have email marketing.

Although I prefer growing your email list through paid ads, you can also grow it organically.

Paid Marketing

On the other hand of marketing…

With paid marketing, it could be all very similar to what I just listed for you… but the difference is that you are now paying to play. And that means you can reach your goals as fast as you want!

To really break down the difference, let’s start comparing organic and paid marketing.

Tune into this week’s episode, and I’ll give you the full breakdown!

If you want to understand how you can leverage other marketing strategies like email marketing to take your brand to the next level, I would love to share my comprehensive email marketing guide. It contains proven and tested strategies I’ve used to supercharge brands of my clientele.

To access it, click here.

See you next week, where we will deep dive into more strategies to optimize your business growth!

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