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Planning your content one month ahead



Planning your content one month ahead

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How are you planning your content? 

Is your content working for you?

Do you want to see better results?

It’s time to get planning!

I see so many people working tirelessly, and they get to the end of the month STILL feeling like they haven’t achieved anything. The process of monthly planning has been a gamechanger for me, as someone who lives by crazy to-do lists it has helped me be in alignment with the bigger picture.

Running a global digital marketing agency over the last 5 years, I’ve noticed that, planning your content one month in advance gives you leverage, more power over your competitors and is an imperative step to greater automation within your business.

Plus, in the long run, taking this step will significantly help to scale your business.

…And that’s what we ultimately want, right!

There are 7 key reasons why I want to get you planning ahead, which I elaborate more on in this week’s video. These are:

  1. Planning ahead shows that you mean business
  2. All the details come into view
  3. Things don’t get left out
  4. You learn what you haven’t been doing right
  5. You can do it better
  6. You can time it however you like
  7. It’s like having extra time on an exam but better


So what’s the monthly planning process I use?

For this, I recommend GSuite products. For you to follow along in my video, I’m going to be making use of Google Sheets, which is similar to Excel.

In the video I have made, you can join me using spreadsheets to create a publishing calendar that is well thought out. I help you organize ideas, not crunch numbers.

See Also

email marketing strategy

Once you create a template, it’s fitted precisely to your needs, and it’s there for as long as you need it or want it.

Why do I recommend this?

Sure, a lot of platforms have some scheduling features, but not all of them are good and let’s be honest; some are seriously lacking.

My biggest obsession with spreadsheets is that they’re in your control.

So let’s get started the content calendar tutorial can be found here:

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